
Samples available!

If you're a bar, restaurant, or avid local beer snob we have samples ready for you.  Just Contact Us and we'll set you up.

L3C Incorporation

We need your opinion!
We're considering changing our incorporation to an L3C.  This is like an LLC but has low profit, social and ecological responsibility written into the articles of incorporation.  A great option for us.  Unfortunately, this is not offered in the State of NH.  So, we can incorporate in Vermont and do business in New Hampshire.  The negative to this is obviously that it is not local.  

NH Liquor Commission

So this morning I went to the NH Liquor Commissioner's office.  I spoke with a few representatives and had a wonderfully disappointing conversation.  
We're trying to supply free beer to a local event and our application was denied.  Not a big deal, I understand we have to work within regulation.  However, the conversation moved toward a more general realm of the role of the NH Liquor Commission.

In The News

Hey all,
   We wish the best with Page starting House of Brews in Madison, Wisconsin.  He's hoping to launch in January.  Check out the article that mentions 7th Settlement!

Your 2 Cents